This site is home to information on the life, work, challenges and times of Mark Sng, the witness, coach, activist, change agent, and servant. It hopes to inform, inspire, ignite & connect others to join forces and collaborate with Mark & his collaborators in different initiatives globally. The following pages will provide a glympse of the heritage, education, exposure & influences, development & evolution leading to the conviction of the mind of his life’s real work.
Mark’s objective is not to influence you the reader with his perspectives but rather to share the need to take stock of the direction the world is going in and to emphasise the critical need to revisit important issues, recognising the realities & their impact & the need for change. What really is the issue?Where on the spectrum of extremes are we with regard to this issue? Where should we be? Who is responsible? What is involved? How should we go about taking the first steps in the process towards a desired outcome.
The process is being elucidated in the following pages. Mark will be happy to entertain any questions or challenges relating to any item you may have. He is also open to partnerhips or collaborations in any area of common interest. See Contact page for his email address.