World as it IS
1 Plutocracies run countries for themselves
2 Goals are measured by numbers, stats, likes
3 Value of person = his network, usefulness for business purposes
4 Success = title, package, awards, image/PR
5 Leader – titled, certified, theory modeled, top down
6 Ambition – self-aggrandisement, public affirmation &adulation
7 Rewards – pecuniary benefits, perks, publicity, contacts, endorsements, testimonials
8 Education – branded institutions, theory based, certifications, credentials
9 Networking – for contacts with influential, PR, image for personal advancement
10 Parenting – abdicated to school, tutors, bad models, guilty of spoiling kids through consumerism
11 Focus: on outcomes with limited definitions of success
12 Learning culture: focus on theory, dependent on “teacher” even for life lessons
13 Vulnerable to fake news, propaganda, slave to social media, technology
14 Communication: overuse of tech devices leading to lack of sensitivity to how another feels
15 Influence: oblivious to influences impacting self & influence on others
World as it SHOULD BE
1 Culture of co-created vision, identity, leadership model
2 Goals also measured by intangible factors
3 Best for the World – truth seeker, seer, truth teller
4 Success = advocate, change agent, visionary, impact on society
5 co-creates language, culture, exemplifies honour-ethics-integrity
6 Altruism – all benefits accrued applied to the larger goal
7 Rewards – learning and other opportunities for exposure, sponsorship
8 Holistic –EQ/SEL, lifeskills, identifying life lessons, linking theory to practice & vice versa.
9 Networking – for opportunities to learn, share & collaborate on projects for a better world
10 Parenting – model, mentor, coach, counsel, create learning environments, teach values/value
11 on the process towards outcomes & measurements
12 focus on asking right Questions towards self-discovery, connect theory to practice & vice versa
13 due diligence & due process towards informed opinion, wise use of social media & technology
14 Person to person contact & enhanced inter-personal skills in every context
15 awareness of influences both ways & cognisant of the need to counter impact of subtle powers of persuasion