The message in the book is intended to revisit the issues of the day that impact the meaning and quality of life for each of us wherever we live and whatever our station in life. Its central message is that we each need to be ready, willing & able to respond to what is happening around us through ownership, accountability & responsibility for a better sustainable world, with a fluid framework to craft a personal model.
It is essentially a discussion about awareness of the realities of change; erosion of values & relationships; relative focus on processes & outcomes; goals & measurements, threats to order, integrity of systems; choices available; burden felt from ownership, accountability, responsibility ; your response in each situation; holistic personal including revisiting Identity, Values, Vision, Mission, Being, Leadership, & understanding of old and new leadership models.
The due diligence & due process involved in equipping oneself for the challenge of learning life’s complex lessons involves patience, dedication & commitment to peel off the skin of the onion by framing, reframing concepts; & knowing which concepts can be simplified & which need to be researched further & discussed in greater detail.
The default for the average person is to drift and be consumed by the frenetic pace arising from demands of everyday work life; addictions to social media and too much information, indulgences & other distractions; and let these influence our priorities & impact our stewardship of our resources viz time, energy & finances.
What is your response to the challenge? Ownership, Accountability, Responsibility or Apathy, Indifference, Self-interest, Resignation to the impending perils that threaten the sustainability of order for the next generation?
See page titled Contact for email address to reach Mark with your comments or questions.